News Flash
News Flash (Old Archive: 2000 - 2010)
Leonids IYA 2009 – Festival of the Stars on 17 Nov 2009
The Science Centre and The Astronomical Society of Singapore (TASOS) in celebration of IYA 2009 organised a leonids watch Observation event called Festival of the Stars on 17 Nov 2009. This event is co-organised by Taman Jurong CCC, with the support of North West CDC and South West CDC. Guest-of-Honour is Finance Minister, Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam. The weather condition was not favourable and it rained early in the evening.Despite that, over 10,000 people came to the event which featured Kenji Williams, international audio visual art performer along with science shows, meteorite exhibition, talks by TASOS, on-site telescope viewing of Jupiter and inflatable planetarium tours. TASOS also deployed telescopes donated by Lee Foundation at this event.
Dr. Cheong’s Talk on "How to Recognise Meteorite"
TASOS committee member Dr. KK Cheong gave a very interesting talk about how to recognize these rocks from space to a large audience at the SCS Observatory classroom on Friday 13th Nov 2009. The talk was informative, educational and enjoyed by the audience who asked many questions at the end of the session. Dr. Cheong also brought along his collection of meteorites so that participants can touch and feel them.
Mid Autumn Observatory Nite on 2nd Oct 2009
TASOS in collaboration with Science Centre Singapore jointly organized the above event with great support from North West CDC on 2nd October 2009. Participants arrive at Chinese Garden MRT and received free lanterns for their walk to the Science Centre’s Omni Theatre. An estimated 4,000 people participated in this event and many also visited the Science Centre itself which was open that night. A total of 3,000 lanterns, Mooncakes and 10,000 bottles of water were distributed to all participants. TASOS, Science Centre, Admiral Garden CC Astronomy Club and NUSHS set up 15 telescopes For participants to view the Moon as part of celebration For IYA 2009. TASOS Hon Secretary Kalaimani and Committee member Albert Ho also gave talks and conducted a quiz on stage. The Guest of Honour for that night was Dr. Lim Wee Kiak, MP for Sembawang GRC and advisor to Canberra GROs.
TASOS celebrates Moon Cake Festival 2009 with members
TASOS celebrated Moon Cake Festival 2009 on 25th Sept 2009 at the Observatory classroom. TASOS committee Member Dr. KK Cheong gave a very interesting talk on "What if we have NO MOON" from 7.30pm to 9.00pm. The talk was lively and enjoyed by TASOS members and all present was treated to a small reception of mooncakes and drinks. There was also observation on the Moon through telescopes on the observatory grounds.
TASOS Observation at Semakau Island on 12th Sep 2009
TASOS again went to Semakau Island for dark sky observation on the 12th Sep 2009 weekend. 24 TASOS members attended this trip and it was another memorable observing trip for all. Some new TASOS members joined this session and a few of them also took astrophotos from the dark location. TASOS committee member Albert Tan prepared a most delicious feast of Teo Chew porridge for all present – Members are reminded that such benefits are not the norm for Semakau sessions.
TASOS observes at Maris Stella on 11th Sep 2009
TASOS Hon Secretary Kalimani gave a talk at Maris Stella on the 11th Sep 2009. TASOS also set up a number of telescopes on the same rooftop that houses MARS – Maris Astronimical Research Station. MARS comprise a Pod Dome Observatory housing a Celestron C14 (FASTAR) on a superb Takahashi EM400 computerised mount. A few hundred students and their families joined the talk and observation and the event was both fun and educational. Marist Stella principal Brother Anthony and Vice Principal Alfred Tan were also at the observing session.
Moon Photo Competition 2009 Update
TASOS and Science Centre Singapore jointly organized The Moon Photo competition which was launched on 26th Feb 2009. At the end of August 2009, all entries received were judged and the prize winners notified. Nearly S$7,000.00 in prize vouchers were handed out to the winners. Winning entries for all categories in Crescent, Quarter, Gibbous and Full Moon currently are displayed at the Omni Theatre, Science Centre Singapore. This winning exhibits will be display until end of 2009 and everyone is welcome to visit and view the exhibits.
To view photos of the judging process and the Moon Photo exhibits, click here.
For results of the competition please click here
IYA 2009 Moon Photo Talk by TASOS President
TASOS President Albert Lim gave a talk on the basics of how to take good photos of the Moon at the Observatory Classroom on Friday evening 26th Jun 2009. A number of Moon photo amateurs taking part in The Moon Photo competition attended. TASOS VP Ang PS Help to demonstrate the techniques and adapters used for attaching cameras to telescopes. After the talk, TASOS set up a GPS C8 and a Number of participants took photos of the Crescent Moon. Members also visited the Observatory and a field observation session.
Prof David Malin meets TASOS committee members
On 23rd May 2009, Prof David Malin (Anglo Australian Observatory) met TASOS committee members at TASOS President’s house. Prof Malin autographed many of his books brought by committee members and gave a very interesting talk “From Darkroom to Digital” and discussed many aspects of advanced Imaging techniques. He also toured the library and visited the President’s home observatory which is equipped with an RCOS 16”, Takahashi FSQ106 on the Paramount ME computer controlled observatory.
Observation Semauka Island on 20th Jun 2009 weekend
A small group of TASOS committee and members made another observation trip to Semakau Landfill on the weekend of 20th May 2009 headed by TASOS VP Ang Poon Seng. They had an enjoyable night.
TASOS points out the International Space Station on 5th Jun 2009 to the usual Friday Observatory Crowd
On 5th June 2009 Friday, the observatory crowd gathering on the grounds of the Science Centre Observatory had a treat – they saw the International Space Station streaked across the sky at about 8.19pm local time. Later at 9.00 pm, the crowd also witnessed the passage of the Hubble Space Telescope across the sky. Photos with a streak of light in the sky here is the International Space Station. Participants also got to look through the SCS Observatory telescope as well as TASOS new Nexstar 8 SE telescope.
Observation Semauka Island on 30th May 2009 weekend
A small group of TASOS committee and members made another observation trip to Semakau Landfill on the weekend of 30th May 2009. Mailers were sent to members to join the observation and a small group of 17 participated. TASOS VP Ang Poon Seng made a short presentation on The Sky that night and the participants watched an interesting video presentation about Semakau Landfill. TASOS deployed a new C8 Nexstar SE and members brought their own scopes and binoculars for the overnight observation.
TASOS assist "Shell Astro Challenge" at SCS with 12 telescopes and talk at Inflatable Planetarium as part of IYA 2009 on 29th May 2009
TASOS committee member Albert Ho presented talks in an inflatable planetarium while TASOS organised and manned a dozen telescopes on the observatory grounds in support of "Shell Astro Challenge" and IYA 2009
TASOS President Albert Lim along with TASOS committee members Prof Srini, Jeffrey Lim, Albert Tan, Ang PS, May, Chen Ye, Tan Wei Leong, Soh Kim Mun, PT Khwa, Kalaimani, Eliza and Ryan, Teo Poh Kheam and AGCC Astro members (jointly TASOS members) Mani, Alex, Richard manned the telescopes for the crowd
TASOS committee member Dr. KK Cheong also gave a basic astronomy talk at the observatory classroom
The activity lasted till past 11pm and an estimated 3,000 to 4,000 people attended.
Talk on Celestial Fireworks - Supernova by TASOS committee member Prof Srinivasan (NUS)
TASOS committee member Prof Srinivasan from NUS gave a very interesting talk titled "Celestial Fireworks –Supernova" at the Science Centre Observatory Classroom on Friday nite 22nd May 2009 as part of IYA 2009 activity. The talk was informative, humorous and enjoyed by a packed classroom of participants.
After the talk at 9.00pm, members join in the usual Friday night Observing session.
Side Walk Astronomy at VIVO City on 1st & 2nd May 2009
TASOS and Science Centre Singapore organised SideWalk Astronomy on the rooftop of Vivo City on boths nights of the 1st and 2nd of May 2009. The event was supported by many partners including History Channel, Starhub, Vivo City and Woodlands GROs. On the 1st of May 2009, Ms Ellen Lee, MP for Sembawang GRC and adviser to Woodlands GROs was the Guest of Honour. Ms Ellen Lee and her contingent was received by Chief Executive of Science Centre Dr. Chew as well as TASOS and Woodlands GRO representatives. Over 11,000 people came through the carnival for talks, shows by History, participated in quizes and to view the Moon and Saturn through 20 telescopes set up on the rooftop of Vivo City.
TASOS Hon Secretary gave a talk on both nights and TASOS VP Ang PS set up a live video view of the Moon and Saturn through a Celestron 5 on large panel LCDs at the venue.
To view carnival photos of 1st May 2009, please click here.
To view carnival photos of 2nd May 2009, please click here.
Earth Hour celebration at Wisma Atria on 28th March 2009
TASOS tied up with StarHill Global Reit and conducted a public observation session on the rooftop of Wisma Atria Shopping Centre Building in celebration of Earth Hour (and as part of IYA 2009 event) on the 28th of March 2009. TASOS deployed 8 telescopes and showed the heavens to about a thousand participants who turned up on the rooftop between 7.30pm to 10.30pm. TASOS committee and members guided the public and answered many questions.
TASOS Secretary Kalaimani gave 2 talks at the same venue.
Observation Semakau Island on 4-5 Apr 2009
A total of 47 participants went to Semakau Island for overnight observation for the weekend of the 4th to the 5th of Apr 2009.
TASOS have been actively involved in many Semakau Observation trips over the past years. The group comprise members from TASOS and a student group led by Mr Tan Hoe Teck from CJC. CJC brought their new 120mm Celestron Refractor and TASOS deployed the Celestron GPS 8 for all to observe.
TASOS Celebrates IYA 2009 with The Singapore Mathematical Society
The Singapore Mathematical Society (SMS) organizes an essay competition every year for current students of Singapore (from Secondary One to Junior College or their equivalent). A pre-determined theme for the competition will be set and participants are invited to submit an essay written on the theme, usually concerning the use and applications of Mathematics in other areas of Science and Technology. This year, to coincide with the International Year of Astronomy, the theme for the essay competition has been set as "Applications of Mathematics in Astronomy". We invite all students, including those from International Schools to participate in this event. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three entries from each age category and winning essays may also be published in the forthcoming issues of Mathematical Medley, the official publication of the Singapore Mathematical Society.
More information on the essay competition, as well as other SMS organized activities can be found at SMS website or Essay competition website
TASOS AGM 14th March 2009 at Observatory Classroom
TASOS held AGM 2009 on 14th March 2009 at the SCS Observatory classroom. There was a quorum and the AGM progressed very smoothly. Office bearers elected
are as follows :
President : Albert Lim
Vice President : Ang Poon Seng
Hon. Secretary : Kalaimani
Asst Secretary : Ong Geok May
Hon Treasurer : Teo Poh Kheam
Committee Members :
1) Dr. K K Cheong
2) Albert Ho
3) Prof Srinivasan
4) Chen Ye
Auditors :
1) Simon Tan
2) Eliza Tay
IYA 2009 TASOS Talk by Dr K K Cheong - Why are people interested in the direction of the Sun? - The use of astronomy in modern living on the 13th March 2009
TASOS member Dr. K K Cheong (kindly note Dr. Cheong was elected into TASOS committee 2009 during this AGM) gave a wonderful talk titled "Why are people interested in the direction of the Sun ? - The use of astronomy in modern Living" on 13th March 2009 at Science Centre Singapore’s Observatory Classroom. The talk was presented to a packed classroom and it was very good talk enjoyed by all participants. The talk was followed by Tasos_event and observation on the observatory grounds through small telescopes.
IYA 2009 TASOS Talk by Albert Ho on "The Moon and Its Associated Phenomena" on 6th March 2009
TASOS committee member Albert Ho gave a wonderful talk titled "The Moon and its Associated Phenomena" on 6th March 2009 at Science Centre Singapore’s Observatory Classroom. The classroom was packed and attendance was very good indeed. A large crowd also gathered on the observatory grounds for observations through a few TASOS telescopes. They also visited both the observatories which were opened.
TIPS on Moon photography
Here is an article by TASOS committee member Albert Tan which will help you take better photos of the Moon. Click here.
TASOS announce Moon Photo Competition
TASOS in collaboration with Science Centre Singapore launched the Moon Photo Competiton on 26th Feb 2009 in conjunction with Official Launch of IYA 2009. There are many attractive prizes worth S$6,800.00 to be won.
Click here. to download the Entry Form containing the rules and regulations to The Moon Photo Competition.
Printed Entry Forms can also be collected from Astro Scientific Centre located at the ground floor of the Omni Theatre Building, Science Centre
Official Launch of IYA 2009 by TASOS and Singapore Science Center
TASOS and Science Centre Singapore officially launch International Year of Astronomy 2009 on the afternoon of 26th Feb 2009. The event was preceded by a media conference with Yu-Ann, Prof Lim from SCS and Albert Lim, President of TASOS. The public launch started with IYA video presentation. Prof Lim TM made the IYA 2009 launch speech at the Annex auditorium where over 700 people attended. Albert Lim continued with the launch of "A Star Book for the Tropics" by Dr. heong and Kamaria. TASOS committee member Albert Ho then announced the launch of The Moon Photo competition which is jointly organised by TASOS and SCS in celebration of IYA 2009. Prof S Jocelyn Bell Burnell from University of Oxford then gave a talk "What’s going on in the Universe".
Talk on Supernova on 17th Oct 2008
TASOS committee member Assoc Prof Srinivasan conducted a lively and interesting talk on Supernova - Celestial Fireworks at the Observatory Classroom on Fiday 17th Oct 2008. Turnout was good including a new TASOS member Prof Anastasios from Essec Business School. The talk started at 7.45pm and ended at 9.00pm. Prof Srini also gave a good demoon Supernova shock rebound using 2 different balls.
TASOS participation in the 2nd Semakau CEO Run on 19th October 2008
TASOS was invited by NEA to participate in their 2nd Semakau CEO Run on 19th October 2008, Sunday. Close to 150 corporate guests attended the event along with Dr. Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister of Environment and Water Resources. TASOS set up two panels and a Takahashi Refractor equipped with a T2 solar filter to allow participants to observe the Sun. Some guests were also treated to a view of the Moon in the morning sky. Prof Srinivasan and Mr. Kalaimani represented TASOS in the morning fun run category. NEA also awarded TASOS a plague of appreciation for participation in the event.
TASOS mooncake Festival Celebration on 12th Sept 2008.
TASOS members celebrated Mooncake Festival at the Observatory Classroom on 12th Sept 2008. TASOS Hon Secretary also gave a talk on the Moon after a feast. The Observatory is also opened as it was a Friday evening. Mailers were sent to all TASOS members to attend this free feast.
Lunar Eclipse on 17th August 2008
TASOS President Albert Lim and committee member Soh Kim Mun stayed up on the 17th Aug 2008 to observe and take photos of the Partial Lunar Eclipse from Albert Lim’s House. The event started about 3.15am and lasted till dawn.
Talk on Eclipse on 15th August 2008
TASOS President Albert Lim gave a talk on Eclipses on 15th Aug 2008 at the Observatory Classroom for TASOS members. It was a lively session covering topics on Lunar and Solar Eclipses and types of Eclipses. Also covered is a rundown on past eclipse expeditions by TASOS members including the recent successful 1st Aug 2008 Total Solar Eclipse in China.
Expedition for Solar Eclipse in Jiuquan, China 1st August 2008
Expedition to China was a great success. Members of expedition not only observed the eclipse but took many beautiful photos and video of this fantastic event on 1st Aug 2008. The observation site is at a remote desert in Jinta, Gansu province. The sky was clear throughout the eclipse and temperatures were high – nonetheless, it was an unforgettable experience all alike – those who are participating in their first time and others who have been to many eclipses.
Talk on Messier Objects on 18th July 2008
TASOS Committee member Albert Ho gave an interesting talk on Messier Objects on Friday evening 18th Jul 2008 to TASOS members at the Observatory Classroom. Members have been notified about this talk through mailers and quite a number of new members attended. The usual Friday night observatory session was marred unfortunately by drizzle but overall it was a good night for astronomy gathering.
TASOS supports Woodlands Racial Harmony Day on 6th April 2008
TASOS supported Admiral Garden CC Astronomy club as part of Woodlands Racial Harmony Day on Sunday 6th Apr 2008. The guest of honour was our Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. Special Guest present were Minister Khaw Boon Wan, Mayor Teo Ho Pin, Dr. Mohamad Maliki Osman and Dr. Lim Wee Kiak. The event was hosted by Member of Parliament Ms Ellen Lee. TASOS President Albert Lim, Vice President Ang Poon Seng, Hon. Secretary Kalaimani and committee members Albert Ho and Soh Kim Mun were present to meet PM Lee Hsien Loong and the special guests when he toured our Astronomy Station. PM Lee Hsien Loong also very kindly autographed an All Sky Astrophoto taken by TASOS President Albert Lim.
Talk and observation for Singapore session for American School on 18th April 2008
TASOS conducted a talk and astronomical viewing session for the teachers, students and their parents of the Singapore American School on the 18th of April 2008 at their school. TASOS committee member Prof Srini whose daughter is a 9th Grade student at SAS (and a student member of TASOS), manned TASOS 4 inch Celestron refractor while Alfred Cheang and Albert Ho manned the Celestron 8 GPS computerised telescope. May assisted TASOS VP Ang Poon Seng with a C5 and Takahashi EM10 mount. There was tremendous interest and enthusiasm from the participants especially when they observed planet Saturn and the Moon. Mr. Kalaimani also gave an astronomy talk to the SAS group.
Talk on Comets, Asteriods and Meteors by Mr Albert Ho on 14th Mar 2008
TASOS committee Albert Ho gave a talk to members at the SSC Observatory classroom on 14th Mar 2008 Friday evening. Talk Title was "Comets, Asteriods and Meteors". This was followed by the usual Friday night observation at the Observatory and the surrounding grounds.
2nd talk on Black Holes by Dr. Pawel Lachowicz on 1st Feb 2008
TASOS presents the 2nd Black Hole talk by Dr. Pawel Lachowicz titled "X-ray variability of accreting black-holes" on Friday 1st Feb 2008 at the classroom below the SSC observatory.
Talk on Black Holes by Dr. Pawel Lachowicz on 25th Jan 2008
TASOS presents 2 talks on Black Holes by Dr. Pawel Lachowicz. Dr. Pawel received his Ph.D in Astronomy from the prestigious Nicholas Copernicus Astronomy Centre in Poland and is currently a research scientist at NUS Centre for Wavelet, Approximation and Information Processing. His first talk is titled "Cygnus X-1: a canonical black-hole system" was conducted on 25th Jan 2008 at the Observatory Classroom of SSC. The talk is well attended by TASOS members. The second talk titled "X-ray variability of accreting black-holes" will be conducted next Friday 1st Feb 2008 at the same location.
TASOS conclude Astronomy Course 2007 on 7th Sep 2007
TASOS conclude Astronomy Course 2007with the final lecture by TASOS President Albert Lim titled : "The Size of the Universe". A multiple choice question session followed and participants were awarded course certificates for their participation.
The Astronomy course 2007 details are as
22nd Jun 07 - Introduction to Astronomy by Kalaimani
29th Jun 07 - Equipment for Astronomy by Albert Ho
06th Jul 07 - Astrophotography by Ang PS
27th Jul 07 - Understanding Eclipses by Prof SM Chong
3rd Aug 07 - Constellation by Kalaimani
10th Aug 07 - The Solar System by Kalaimani
17th Aug 07 - The Life of a Star by Prof SM Chong
7th Sept 07 - The Size of the universe by Albert Lim
TASOS screened a HD movie on Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn by NASA / ESA / AIS on Friday evening 25th May 2007 at 8.00pm at the Observatory Classroom.
The movie was attended by quite a number of TASOS members and an observation session was conducted on the observatory grounds after the movie from 9.00 to 10.30pm. There were 2 Nexstar computerised telescopes deployed by TASOS members and the SSC observatory was also opened as it was a Friday night.
Life in the Universe Talk at Nanyang Technological University.
Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez, Asst Prof of Astronomy at the Iowa State University USA gave an interesting talk titled "Life in the Universe" at NTU’s LT2A on Thursday evening 22nd May 2007. Mailers were sent to all TASOS members to attend this talk. Dr. Gonzalez is also co-author of "The Privileged Planet" and the new astronomy textbook "Observational Astronomy, 2nd Ed" published by Cambridge University Press. Photo courtesy of Associate Prof SF Yu shows Eliza Tay, Albert Lim (TASOS) with Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. SC Tjin from NTU EEE after the talk
TASOS Talk on Eclipses on 9th Mar 2007
TASOS President Albert Lim conducted a talk titled "Eclipses – Solar and Lunar" at Lecture Theatre 73A Ngee Ann Polytechnic on Friday evening 9th Mar 2007. The talk was also opened to TASOS and a number of TASOS members attended.
Total Lunar Eclipse on 4th March 2007
The video for the event by Mr Ang Poon Seng has been posted, you can see them here.
Talk on The First Indian Mission to the Moon (CHANDRAYAAN-1) on 8th Feb 2007
Sri. K.Thyagarajan, Outstanding Scientist and Program Director-IRS & SSSISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore gave a talk on the CHANDRAYAAN-1, first Indian mission to the Moon on 8th Feb 2007.
Talk on Cassini Mission by Dr Allan Lee from JPL
TASOS President Albert Lim presented Dr. Allan Y Lee who is Project Element Manager of the Cassini Spacecraft Altitude Control System at JPL, Caltech our "Photographic Atlas of the Moon" book published by 3 TASOS authors (Ang, Lim and Chong) at Cambridge University Press.Dr. Allan conducted a talk on the Cassini mission at NTU and he was also presented a TASOS T-shirt by TASOS committee member Chen Ye
Atlas of the Moon
Our very own TASOS president Albert Lim, together with TASOS members S.M. Chong and P.S. Ang, produced a beautifully photographed and practical Atlas of the Moon. It was published by Cambridge University Press in August 2002.
For more information, follow this link to the Google Book website:
Astronomy Quiz At Nayang Technological University
The President to TASOS, Mr. Albert Lim was invited to chair a quiz at the Nayang Technological University
Astronomy Talk at NUS by Dr. S.M.Chong
Dr. S.M. Chong, Vice-President of TASOS, invited to give a speech at the National University of Singapore.
TASOS Talk on Astrophotography by Albert Lim
TASOS President, Mr. Albert Lim, giving a talk on basic astrophotography at the Jurong East National Library.